mardi 9 juin 2015

Let's cook

Buying things is something, but preparing them all together is an activity no ones want to miss.

And the Subway test !

We had a practice in class but the real moment is always more stressful, one after the other they have to speak loud and clear, pronounce clearly, do not hesitate, make your choices quickly and... do not freeze !

Let's go

From one place to the other ... we walk !

What's for supper ?

Fajitas !!! By team they had to get everything we had on the grocery list. The iceberg lettuce was playing Hide and Seek with Camille and Zack they told me. JE had to go help them...

Guitar time

A little bit of guitar to keep the family together. It's always appreciated by the people in the youth hostel.

Andy Smith

Our traditionnal story teller: Andy Smith brought us through places where, if you listen carefuly you can hear strange noises !!! ... I didn't say ghosts...

The Halifax meetings

Being all squeezed in JE's bedroom or in one of the living rooms, we have meetings to put everyone on the same track. From breakfast to bedtime we meet, adjust, speak, and clarify our expectations.


From the first morning, we need to dive and face the real life in English: order your own food in a restaurant ! From chocolate/banana pancakes to bacon and eggs, you need to speak loud and clear.