We went to the Museum of Natural History, I was really impressed. We saw a lot of animals like, mammals, fish and more...I liked the part with false animals they looked like real. Before, we saw real, turtles, snakes and frogs. I want to go there again !
When we arrived in Moncton we jumped out of the train to dance a little bit and to play just beside the train. We were very eager to get to Halifax but just to know that we arrived in Moncton, to moved it was like if we were arrived ! And when it was the time to jump in the train to continue to Halifax, we needed to do 5 more hours because we were not there yet ....
This is a big beaver, at the historial museum we saw a lot of animals like that. It was very fun. But be carefull they are maybe alive.We saw a bear, and when we pasted in front, the bear was doing grrrrrrrrrrr!!!
There were horses when we went to Natural history museum and I think that everybody know that I love horses. So we stopped 1 minute to take pictures. It's realy rare to see horses in the middle of a big town like Halifax.
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