vendredi 17 juin 2022

Horseback riding

Knee injuries had make us find horses to bring back the princesses ! Hopefully we were filled up with energy from the Pita Pit (many were afraid to try .... but they all survived ) and our majesties made it to their castle to chew some Advil. 

The citadel, the pool and a nap !

Recap of the day after Cora


On essaie d’en faire le plus possible avec la température qu’on a et le retard et la fatigue accumulée. On les a saucé dans la piscine et couché un peu et on est reparti au cinéma pour un film puisqu’il pleut. On soupera après le film. 

Les appels auront lieu demain. Désolé. 

Cora for breakfast

We started at Cora for breakfast and headed up to the Citadel. A little bit of bagpipes, a canon fired at noon and a Normandie landing later, we jumped in the pool. Now they are gone for a 20min nap and should be ready for a walk on the waterfront if the tornado is not agressive. 

Leaving for the day

Here are the last pictures of our room teams and we are now ordering at Cora !!!! Oh Judith just realized she didn’t take the picture of her own room with Eve and Turcotte ! We’ll do it tonight  

Halifax here we are !!!!

Extra long day on the train, we got in Halifax 2 hours late. The kids were brave and patient. We then walked our way to our hotel and order some pizza that we are in the room. We finally fell in our beds really late.