mardi 20 mai 2008

Looking at messages

We were awake at 7:30am, as we planed the day before, and we took a shower, made up our beds and finally we were excited to go on the blog see what the parents wrote. We are happy to receive your messages and hope you will continue to put some on the blog.

6 commentaires:

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Thomas, you seems very good in English!

We can't wait to see your messages
every day. So don't worry... we will continue to send ours.

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Bonjour William,
Passe une bonne semaine.

De Mamie

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Bonjour Jonathan,
Grisounne a eu 4 bébés.
J'ai hâte de te reparler jeudi
au téléphone.
Steve xx

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Salut William et Michael...

With everybody writing some messages, you won't have the feeling you werer away thast long... I can see that your family love you, hi hi!

Have fun

Chantal Beauchamp

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Bonjour William,

You look your message?!?You have a beautiful pics on your spot!!

Sorry I dont speake english and sorry whether I repeat often!!

Of your cousine Liza!!

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hello William!!!

I whrite at every night a message on your spot and I found(trouve) «It's a good spot!».

Have a news every night!!

Scuse me I dont speake english(scuse me I repeat)!!

Of your cousine Liza?!?!