mardi 20 mai 2008


Find me a kid in Halifax who knows what to do with a cow ! Those two ones know!!!!
This web page is sponsored by DeLaval !!

8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

The guys, I see that even in Halifax, you are in your element, it is papa who is going to be proud of you.

Anonyme a dit…

Le lait c'est vachement bon les gars !!! France xx

Anonyme a dit…

Hello Thomas,

Don't you have something else to do??? You are supposed to improve your english, hi hi!!! You are lucky to be there... My students are doing there final math exam. Lots of work and concentration! I't will be your tunr when you go back, ahah!

See you this saturday!

Take care,


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this is Catherine writing from Toronto. I hope my brother JE is taking good care of all of you. I drove to Montreal on Monday with Rafael and Johanne and they were both very quiet! Rafael is growing so fast that when I come back to St-Clement in July, I wouldn't be surprised if he had his driver's license! ha ha!
Have fun in Halifax and see you at the Festival du Boeuf

Anonyme a dit…

Allo Thommas tu travailles même en vacances bizarre. J'espère que le lait de cette vache tu va l'amener à la maison hihihi! Garde le sourire comme que tu as sur la photo tout le reste de la semaine.

Je t'aime XXXXX

Anonyme a dit…

Salut Thomas tu n'as pas l'air trop dépaysé et surtout garde bien la forme car il y a des roches qui t'attendent HA! HA! .... peut-être.
Bonne vacance mon grand.
Je t'aime XXXXXX

Anonyme a dit…

Joel, j'espère que tu as remarqué
qu'elle est en plastique!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonyme a dit…

Tu peux toujours essayer de tirer
ta vache mais ça ne coulera pas;-)