jeudi 20 juin 2013

The grade 5 are preparing to take the room !

Their attitude changed, they took confidence in what they do, in who they are....
Be ready, September is coming soon !

Have a good summer !

samedi 15 juin 2013

Back to normal life...

I have been able to sleep for a while, very well. But now that I am awake, I'm looking for you all. It's been a very nice trip, you all did very well. It's a very nice page of the class' story that I have to turn today. It's not easy. The pages are heavy, filled with great Halifax experiences, made of laughs, tears, smiles and fears.
I keep going through the blog since I drank my first coffee this morning and try to remember all those good moments. For sure pictures help remember particular moments of the trip to people looking at the blog, but the feelings and emotions you lived during the trip will remain yours. You will have to explain those moments to share them because pictures won't explain everything.
Speak about your trip, be proud.

If you want, enter a comment, this page is yours. Have a good weekend, see you Monday at school.

I love you,


vendredi 14 juin 2013

Délais au départ du train !

Nous l'avons échappé belle pour la grève de via rail la nuit dernière. Nous partirons finalement comme prévu en train mais avec un certain retard. L'heure d'arrivée pourrait être modifiée, désole.


We all found our inner NINJA !!!!


jeudi 13 juin 2013

Getting to Murphy's ... can be a party !

We went to buy soubvenirs... but we ended up partying with the girl who's booking the boat tours !
Halifax is always surprising !

The cupcake treat !

Yes, the girls won the contest at the Museum of Natural History against the boys 10-8 and chose to eat a cupcake at this cute little shop that we discovered the morning we left the Cora.
It's pink and sweet; it's all I can say !

Some music at the citadel

Enjoy !

Citadel - Firing the cannon

 Impressing !

Where was Philippe you asked ?

We found him at the Citadel that's why he was not on the first pictures ! He probably got into some kind of problem... With all those soldiers around he didn't have the choice. At the last minute we found Justine in another cell, Cass finally joined the Army by signing in at the registration office, and Claudie and Laurie were missing school so much that they...

Andy, the story teller

Walking around the city with Andy. Listening to different ghost stories and historic facts. Using every shortcuts possible inside buildings to get warm.

Breakfast at the hostel

Cooking bacon and eggs, toasting slices of bread and diving into a cereal bowl. Let's be ready, Andy Smith is coming. Hurry !

Hockey series can't be forgotten

First thing in the morning, Philippe and B were wondering what the final score was.

Standard hostel morning !

Reading the parent's comments on the blog, from the bathroom counter, before or after the shower, going to the grocery in pyjamas if necessary with a tuque on.

mercredi 12 juin 2013

Yes... Subway again

Getting a little squeeze in the scedule between the Maritime Museum and our appointment at the Brewery we had to rush to what was available and end up again, in a Subway. Funny fact, few were able to eat on couches ... at Subway, so cool !
The spaghetti that we planned to eat at the youth hostel has been delayed for the supper. It was awesome, even if Rosy and Tine cried a little because of the onions !

Alexander Keith's Brewery

Very dynamic presentation with great performers of the brewery. Very old building, fast speaking characters but so breathtaking.

A room.. a messy room... as they are all...

Yes Rosy, your room requires a little bit of love. Find your friends, put in some energy and spread the word !

Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

Another great visit that end up with a list of ten questions ansered by teams: boys vs girls, competing for the great prize of 5 bags of popcorn for tonight's movie.
Who won you think ? For sure they didn't want to end up like this poor pirate !
Many answers had to be found into texts, pictures, objects.
Yesterday the girls won the first contest at the Museum of Natural History and chose to get a cupcake at a very cute cupcake shop out on Dresden St. Their prize will be deliver tomorrow... you'll see pictures ! I'm sure !

Yesterday at Pier 21


We watched an interactive presentation about the immigration in Canada after the major wars and throughout th 20th century. Pier 21 was the access door to Canada, for the war rides and children of war as example.

mardi 11 juin 2013

The subway test !

Subway is the test. Make up your mind, know the answer before the question is asked and move to the left !
We took it all to go and went down to the waterfront to eat there. It was awesome. Thomas does a strange face but he was fine actually, we went in first and asked if they may have any trace of sesame. Not a single one !

Going to the grocery


As you can see, some people go to the grocery store.
                                          We took a lot of things for our fajitas supper.

Preparing the supper !

This supper we ate fajitas cooked by us. Mmmmmm it was delicious!!!!With the fajitas we ate a soup and it was very good. All the people helped. We had a lot of fun here.

A Wave??

We were on the waterfront and we saw a wave! We all tried to go on it, and we succeed! As you can see, I was not able to go on it, so I went with JE! :) We finally all went on the wave, with Nath, and we had a lot of fun!
Cassy's and Tine's dream was to meet Bambi!Our dream come true today!:D
We are so happy!:) We love him so much!Bambi is our BestFriend!xD
Love you all!<3 p="">

Cora for breakfast

This morning, for our first breakfast in Halifax, we went eat to Cora. Some ate crepes, some eggs and some ate big crepes, like Phil, Thom, B and Toine. We were happy to go there, because the food is very good in this restaurent.

lundi 10 juin 2013

I promise... they're in bed

By the time I cam to upload pictures and relax few minutes, they were sleeping tight ! In this particular case, Claudie for an unknown reason joined Cass in her upper bunked bed. For sure they will be tight in there but will feel a little bit less alone, you know, when you are in grade 5 the experience of an old grade 6 is priceless.
We have been dispatched in 4 dorms, three on the second floor and one on the third floor. Except for the staff sleeping on the second floor, we are alone on that level. The boys on the third floor, led by the grade 6 are well organized and their room is also less messy than the one of Rosy, Lo, Purple and Cui². They were proud to tell me that they will all wake up at the sound of Inner Ninja !

Our first face to face with NS students

In the train, there was a group of grade 5 and 6 coming from southern Nova Scotia. They went visiting a National Park and made a part of their trip by train. It was a good opportunity to push the kids in the other car and let them manage their way in English, trying to discover these students and explain what they are doing 15 hours from home.
Most of them said they were speaking fast but were fairly understandable.

And some unknown students...

Try to manipulate their appearance hoping we will forget them here ! Can you guess who it could be ?