samedi 14 juin 2014

It's a wrap !

Saturday night, 10 o'clock. I can't go to sleep without writing a last message to you, travellers of this 9th edition of Halifax. I had visitors over at my place all day long and didn't have much time to think of the trip and have the time to feel lonely. Now that I am getting ready to jump in my bed, I see your face, one after the other. I see moments that will stay in my mind, moments that will not fade away with the years because they represent so well this trip. I will remember for ever Danika in tears holding her mother at the train station and showing her the train light to convince her to keep going, how Davy took his place in the group and how strong he was in every situation, Mya dancing all the time and, Camille and Elysa mass-producing wrist band with elastics.
It was the same trip for all, as a family. But individually, you made your own experiences. You achieved your own objectives, you have been able to push your own limits a little further. That's what will make you grow up.
Grade 5s will be back next year and will have to act like Grade 6. They will suddenly understand more, will not have tears when they will call the last on Tuesday night and will have to show the 5s how to clean a table !
The 6, you were Rock Solid. You did great. I can remember B doing the video with Toine and Tom in the train last year. The three of you were growing older, preparing yourself to the next round. It's exactly what you did this year. Like the other grade 6, your English was great, there was no stress, you were confident, cool, always happy, always ready to enjoy and appreciate. By experience I can tell that the trip is good when the 6s are cool, and you were.
It's hard to believe that you've reach this level of English. I've been doing this for nine years and I am still amazed how good you can become even if the first year is difficult. Fil and Clode you proved me wrong. If you would have asked me how great you would have become I would have never say that much. Yes you can look for words, put S where you're not supposed to or start with a bad question structure but being able to understand as much as you did is a great victory that you should not lose. All of you should be working to keep that level as the lowest point. Force yourself to practice and work to always be better in English, it will soon become a priceless advantage in your future life.

Clode you ave been walking up front with me all the time, now, you will have to walk alone.
Heading to high school, as a family you will have to take care of each other. I'll be sending you over to Nath, she knows you now, and she will keep an eye on you for me.
Nath, Thanks again for taking the time to come with us even during this vacation.

I love you all,

See you Monday, for the last week,


7 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Lorsque Allyson (Goalie) a tenté sa chance une première fois, je trouvais le défi grand mais réalisable ..... lorsqu'elle a tenté sa chance une deuxième fois, je savais que c'est ce qu'elle désirait et j'admirais sa détermination ... Mais pas une minute je ne croyais comment cette aventure d'english class était aussi enrichissante ... Un apprentissage de vie, une nouvelle langue à maitriser et plus encore ... Merci à toi JE pour tous ce que tu peux leur faire vivre comme expérience! Ally a été une privilégié qui aura eu la chance de connaître tes "techniques d'apprentissage" hors du commun mais combien efficaces! Merci également de lui avoir aider dans les meilleurs comme les pires moments, elle en sort maintenant que plus forte et gagnante! Ce voyage lui aura permis de monter d'un cran sa détermination à accomplir jusqu'à la fin ce qu'elle entreprend ... une belle leçon de vie!!! Merci pour tout et longue vie à cette classe qui aura positivement marquée celle de nos enfants!

Julie a dit…

Merci beaucoup J.E. pour ce 2e beau voyage à Halifax pour William. C'est très apprécié il revient de sa semaine tellement heureux et il voudrait encore être là-bas. Il n'a pas eu le temps de s'ennuyer. Merci beaucoup à toi et Nathalie!

Mélanie Delisle a dit…

Woww quel message... J'ai presque les larmes aux yeux à te lire.. Dans tes écrits on peut sentir la fierté d'un prof pour ses élèves, la même fierté qu'un papa aurait pour ses propres enfants.

Merci à toi de faire vivre de beaux moments à nos enfants, Zak est revenu avec les yeux brillants, tout comme son grand frère et sa grande soeur l'avaient fait avant lui.

Merci à toi Nath de faire partie du voyage et d'accompagner nos p'tits amours. Nous ne sommes pas inquiets de les laisser partir si loin, si longtemps en votre compagnie.

Merci pour tout et pour ma part, on reprend ça l'an prochain pour la 6e fois :)

Bonne fin d'année scolaire à vous tous la classe de JE 2013-2014 et amusez-vous pendant vos vacances !!

clode a dit…

Thank you JE for this exceptionel trip im was having a lot of fun it's was a very beautiful gang thank you at you and nath for my last trip in halifax :)

Will a dit…

Thank you J.E for these two years in your class. I learned a lot of things in this class. I was very happy to do these two trips in Halifax with you and Nath. I will always remember this trip and all the gang. You're the best teacher ;)

LUCIE a dit…

Il y a de ces gens que nous avons la chance de rencontrer dans une vie.Il y a de ces gens qui font une differnce dans une vie.C est pour tout ce que vous apporter a nos jeunes et que vous laisserez un souvenir innoubliable dans leur tete et dans leur coeur.Vous ferez parti de ces profs qu ils aimeront se souvenir tout au long de leur vie. MERCI a toi J.E. et a toi Nathalie.On aurait besoin de beaucoup plus de personnes extraordinaire comme vous. Continuez votre beau travail et felicitation.

Une mamie fier de son petit fils brian.

MamaMya a dit…

tahnk J.E for this beautiful trip and Nat too thank a lot. it was very fun.I would like than it was the same fun next year. you miss me. xxx
We come back the next year.