mardi 9 juin 2015


From the first morning, we need to dive and face the real life in English: order your own food in a restaurant ! From chocolate/banana pancakes to bacon and eggs, you need to speak loud and clear.

6 commentaires:

Nicole a dit…

y a des beaux visages heureux :) J'espère que c'était aussi bon que ça en a l'air . Sam Tr. tu devais être content des crêpes.
bonne nuit gang faites de beaux rêves demain une autre belle journée bien remplie vous attends.

Isabelle a dit…

Hummm! It seems to be very good! I would like to have a little part of your pancake Mathieu. Good night! Mom xxx

Anonyme a dit…

Yummmmi! Cora's always good isn't it! Nathan, I cannot see in your plate, but my guess would be a mixted dish of pancakes and french toasts?! I know you must have stuffed your face this morning! Good for you!
I was so glad to speak with you, it eased my mind! Keep thinking of you and knowing you are have a blast!
Keep on going son! Xxxx

Leighann a dit…

Hey J-Lo! I was SO happy to hear from you last night. I even stayed up 'late' to make sure that I didn't miss your phone call!:) Madyx wanted to know if you were all going to an Eminem concert in you think that it's on the list of activities?:))
Love you forever...

Jenn a dit…

hahah leson I think your breakfast is very good because you don't look at the picture!! :0 xxxx

Unknown a dit…

Chanceux!!!!! Déjeuner chez Cora!!!!!! Vous avez l'air tous très heureux de votre voyage. Danika ton assiette a de l'air délicieuse!!!!!!! Amuse toi et profite de ce beau voyage!!!!!! ON t'Aime, Maman, Papa, Léa, Eliott,sans oublier Enzo et ChoupetteXXXXXXXX