mercredi 21 juin 2017

St-Hubert !!!

The train was 45 minutes late in Moncton so the food was waiting for us for a while when we got there. I dont know if it's the temperature of the chicken but Marina lost a tooth in the process !     

In Amherst NB


A last goodbye to Theodore


Some shopping

To carry memories of the adventure    

A last climb of the wave

Before to head to the train    

mardi 20 juin 2017

The grocery with Karen

On the menu : Teryaky chicken with rice and vegetables. .. Excellent!!

Calling home

The fabulous 4 minutes  

The brewery

How is it made? How important was Alexandre Keith to Halifax?  

Maritime Museum

Sending some Morse codes at the Maritime Museum   

lundi 19 juin 2017

The day went by (pictures)


The Citadel

We had the chance to get dressed like soldiers of the 1800s. Watch people firing the muskets and listen to bagpipes.     

The day went by

As we went to the grocery store, past in front of the Sydney Crosby exhibit, and end up at the movie theater watching Cars 3 !  

Immigration office :Pier 21

Custom agents, acceptable food, transportation, immigrants ... the new face of Canada     

Kitchen chores

Give a hand !  

dimanche 18 juin 2017

Grocery for supper

A lot of help is always a good thing when it's time to carry the bags.   

Andy Smith

We went through the city with Andy, discovering details and stories that we didn't know.  


   We found horses on our way to the Museum of Natural History. We had to stop, I don't know why !

samedi 17 juin 2017

Arrival in Halifax

     It's a small footstep in Nova Scotia but A huge one in their experience. The train finally hit the end of the railway, we took the traditional picture beside the train, prepared our beds and walk to the pizzeria. A great supper put everyone to the same beat: the adventure is ON !

Aki stop !

Always a good stop in Moncton to go outside to play Aki and take a breath of fresh air   

The guitar always brings people around

We made friends playing guitar in the cantine car. We started to play softly and when we realized that everyone was enjoying; we made friends and started to play louder. Half of the crew on the train came to cheer for us and chat for a while.  

A night at the train station

With the 40 minutes delay we finally saw the light