mardi 20 juin 2023

Tuesday : Part Three

Supper was a shared lunch of nachos and cheese sticks. It was a bit chilly so they offered some blankets. 
Who is brave enough to trip the green hot spicy pepper?
See their reactions on the pictures ;)
We finished the night with a game of AKI while calling home. 

4 commentaires:

Karen a dit…

Vous êtes courageuses de manger les piments forts ! Belle grimace. Amusez-vous !

Christine April a dit…

Est-ce que JE et Judith ont grimacé aussi? ahahah!

Johanne Dussureault a dit…

Great supper! Have fun guys! Aby, I will bake you some hot stuff when you come at home so I can see that face again!

Anonyme a dit…

Ça chauffe !!! 😅