mercredi 20 mai 2009

The last meeting of the day

Like ten times a day, we have meeting. Just to make sure everyone understands what's planned for next 15 minutes of for the next day. Here, sitting on a bench on the waterfront, discussing of the next day and tomorrow's bacon and eggs !

4 commentaires:

Annie a dit…

Salut Mégie!
Tu as vus et fais de belles choses aujourd'hui.J'espère que tu as passé une belle journée!!!
J'ai hâte de te voir!:)
Bonne journée (pour demain)!
Je t'aime beaucoup!

Anonyme a dit…

Good evening all! I just would like to wish you the best in this beautiful project! And I would like to send a special "good night xx" to a beautiful girl that I appreciate and missed so much: Emie!It's Anne-Marie from Repentigny Beach!! I hope to see you this summer my dear...
Have fun,

Congratulations to J.E for this well organised project!
Good night! ;)Anne-Marie Bérard

Genevieve a dit…

You seems tired... are you sleep enough?
Good night xxx

Annie a dit…

Hello Nath!I hope that you like your trip.:)Good day!
Annie xxx