mardi 19 mai 2009

Our first exhibit !

We went to the Museum of Natural History, I was really impressed. We saw a lot of animals like, mammals, fish and more...I liked the part with false animals they looked like real. Before, we saw real, turtles, snakes and frogs. I want to go there again !


2 commentaires:

Isabelle Tremblay a dit…

Hello la gang !
I'm not very good an english but i very impressionnate by your pictures.
Ana, i'm very proud to you !!!
Love xxx !
Good week !
Isa :)

Yvon,Dany et Annie a dit…

Allo Mégie!
J'espère que tu as passé une belle journée.Ce musé devait être vraiment intéressant!Passe une belle semaine.Nous allons te récrire demain.Nous sommes fière de toi.On pense à toi.
On t'aime beaucoup!
Bonne nuit ma puce!
Papa,maman et Annie