mardi 19 mai 2009

Falling asleep !

I think that J.E. fell asleep under the table in the train. He was very tired !
I think that he past a good night while going to Halifax!


7 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

oui J.E. a vraiment l'air vidé....

France a dit…

Bon temps gang de 5 et 6 .Profitez des merveilleux moments et respirez l'air d'Halifax.Amusez-vous tous et savourez les majestueux moments !!! Clin d'oeil à Je et Nathalie ;)
France xxxx

Unknown a dit…

Hello JE,

While the kids were running everywhere in the train, you were sleeping! Good job... Have fun,


Anonyme a dit…

Chutttttt.... faites pas de bruit le grand y ronfle...ronronron petit patapon...France

Genevieve a dit…

Good job John!

JE, take this few moments to
''recharge'' your energy level...
you will need it!

Geneviève a dit…

I forgot to say to JE and Nathalie:

Thank you so much to give this opportunity to our children.

Nadine a dit…
