jeudi 24 mai 2007

Good restaurant

After the visit at the museum we went eat at a family restaurant. JE and Nath didn't want us to eat fast food, sometimes it's hard to find a healthy restaurant. To find this one, we walked a lot ! This lunch, we ended up with pizza, unfortunatly, thinking that they will serve someting else.

Eating a mouse

In the Natural History Museum there was some
wild animal like snakes, bears, whales and more. Here the girl is trying to feed a snake with a mouse.
Nathalie was scared. At the beginning the snake didn't want to eat the mouse but finally he was hungry.

Be quiet it can be dangerous !!!

A moose can always be dangerous !

Natural History Museum

Christopher showing J.E a puffin. Just below you can see a razorbill.

City buses !!!

We took the bus to go to the school and also to come back from there. This picture was taken while going from the school to the Nature History Museum.
We like the bus... it's faster than by foot !

Assembly at St-Joseph A McKay

Every month all the school meet in the gymnasium to give special certificate to students who worked hard or well-behaved.
We followed that, it's very different than our small school !
Congratulations to all of you !

Group picture

Almost everybody is on the picture, some went downstairs to help to prepare the gymnasium for an assembly.
Thanks to our pen pals to recieve us for two days in your school. we really appreciate it. You are always welcome in St-Clement !!!

Second day with our penpals

We had breakfast at the youth hostel and than we took the bus (we were not late !!!). Nathalie always need a coffe in the morning so J.E went to get one before breakfast. So she was happy all day long !
So we went to the school. One group was with J.E downstairs in the computer lab making bar graphs and the other group was with Miss Deware preparing a publicity to sell gum (Crazy Rollz). J.E spoke in English with us but in French with the students from Halifax and Miss Deware did the opposite ! We presented our publicty in front of our penpals and the other students of our class.
Some people were very shy, so they were speaking not loud enough, it was hard to understand them. We went to recess with them.

mercredi 23 mai 2007

The game of the night #4

Linda had the chance to speak to Annie and Max and her sister came to speak too, by interest !

The game of the night #3

William and Michael interviewed Victoria and Annie and Maxime the other sister...

The game of the night #2

Francis and Marc-André spoke with Kate, who comes from England. Christo and Thomas interviewed her too !

... the ugly but so nice

Shrek the Third !!! It was so fun. It's the best Shrek in all the trilogy !

Cool evening !

We went to a really nice theater to see...

Our first afternoon nap

In the afternoon, we did a 30 minutes nap and 3 people were sleeping hard ! Thomas was the harder to wake up, he slept a hour and a half, he is the nap master, like his father !!!

Waiting for the bus !

We were waiting for the bus to go back at the Youth Hostel for a nap.

War ships

We learned that some ships were destroyed by torpilla during the Second World War and some other boats were destroyed in collisions with ennemi boats. Finally, cannons made the rest !

Command Museum

After lunch time we went at another museum. It's an old military house where the British Admiral was living with his family. The house was partly destroyed by the Halifax explosion and they had to do surgery on the tables of the kitchen. The guide told us about the ghost of a girl, a servant, who died because she fell in the stairs.

Lunch time; test time !!!

After meeting our pen pals we went eat in a Subway restaurant.That was really good!!
It was Natalie's first time to eat Subway's food. She found it very good!! Some were were shy but J.E said that we did all great. It was easier than we were thinking. It's alot of questions for only one subway !

Pen pals #4

This dark picture shows the last group of kids. With good eyes or glasses you can probably see Christopher and Thomas.

Pen Pals #3

Michael and William introducing themselves to a group of pen pals.

Pen pals #2

Second group with Annie and Maxime.

Pen pals group #1

After breakfast at the youth hostel we went to St Joseph A. Mckay Elementary school to visit our pen pals. This is the first group to prepare a presentation.

mardi 22 mai 2007

The game of the night #1

They had, with one team mate, to find someone they didn't know in the youth hostel, present themself and do a 3 minutes interview with that person. They were shy but they all jumped in the game. Some came back after 3 minutes but others after 20 !!!

Thomas and Christo met Mika.

Maxime in the kitchen

Does he surprise you ? You are probably right because this is the magic of picture... he didn't cook the soup at all !

San Francis with the vegetable tray

Eat my man !

Supper at the Youth hostel

Eating in this great kitchen means to cook, to eat and to do the dishes... some had to make push-ups before !!!

At the grocery

There's a limit to what we can eat at the restaurant so tonight, it was grocery time !!! Here you can see the youth hostel where we sleep and our so heavy bags, what do you think Marc-André ??? Heavy ???

Maritime Museum part 2

...evn a boat for kids !!!

Visiting the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

Nice boats, a real pirat perrot, lots of information about the Halifax explosion that destroyed half of the city, stories of people who rescued the victims of the Titanic and more...

Interesting place !!!

Can you read on the sign ??? It's the Alexander Keith's Brewery !!! Mom, Dad, can I go ? They say we can visit, taste, and they also say that they were «family friendly», I don't know what it meens but ...

The guided tour

We saw a 4D movie explaining how they were dealling with so many people trying to live in Canada. Our guided tour was great.

Visiting Pier 21

Our first musuem: Pier 21. An important dock where 1,5 million people travelled. Soldiers going to war or arriving from Europe, immigrants, deported people from all over the world and even the 45 000 war brides and their 22 000 children.

The Comfy Corner Café

We visited our friend at the Comfy Corner café for our traditionnal breakfast and the traditionnal explanation of over-easy, sunny side up and scrambled eggs that they, as they told us, all understood. Finally William and Annie had to eat eggs cooked only on one side !!! They denied it, but they had it all wrong.

Good night for everyone

Everybody was suppose to wake up at 7:30 but most of them woke up at 8:30. We were tired because we didn't sleep a lot in the train.

lundi 21 mai 2007

Time for the supper

We ate at Papa Mario's Pizza. We went there because last year we ate pizza on our first night in Halifax and we wanted to show that to the grade 5. We wanted to do that as a tradition. We didn't go at the same place than last year because this was a new restaurant that we saw last year in construction. It's only at the corner of the youth hostel.

At the Youth Hostel

We are preparing our bed, we put the sheets and the blankets on the bed. We are all in the same room, that's not a very big but there is a bathroom in it.

Halifax, Nova Scotia

We finally jumped out of the train, tired but happy to be in Halifax. The weather was better than St-Clement, we changed the snow for the sun !!!

A 15 minutes recess

The train had to stop for refueling in Moncton, so they let us walk for 15 minutes. That helped Michael and we had the time to play few Aki games.

Michael is sick

Michael was sick and he vomits in the toilet. He was sleeping the entire trip in the train. He is really not lucky!!!

Enjoying the train

In the train we are playing cards, we read, we ate and we sleep. It is fun!!!

Excited, but tired

Because we were really tired we slept in the train. They lend us some blankets and pillows.

Waiting for the train

We were at the train station and we were waiting for the train. The time of departure was 00:52 AM. The train was 30 minutes late and we were tired.

Departure under the snow

Before to go to Trois-Pistoles to take the train we took a picture of our sign. It was snowing and it was cold, but we were excited to go to Halifax.
The sign is attached to the fence in front of the school telling everyone that we are in Halifax this week.As you can see, it was snowing really hard. Hopefully we were going south, hoping the weather to be warmer !!!

dimanche 20 mai 2007

Michael's first novel

Hi my future friends.

I will talk to you about a novel that I read one week ago. Its title is FLAT STANLEY. The author is Jeff Brown and the pictures are done by Scott Nash. It has 65 pages, with the pictures.
The characters are Stanley Lambchop, the principal character, Arthur his little brother, his mother and his father (they didn’t say their name).
The plot is that Stanley became flat and at the beginning we don’t know if he will always be flat.
Now I will say you the summary. At the beginning Stanley was normal, like us, but one night, a big bulletin board fell on him, he was only half an inch thick.. That will maybe help some people and that’s what he will do. If you want to know more about the summary, you can read the real summary behind the book FLAT STANLEY.
I really like the pictures in this book but they are black and white. I think that there was nothing wrong in it. I choose it because the cover page was beautiful and I read the summary behind the book and I liked it.
The words were not hard to understand. I or J.E bought it in Quebec in the store : La Maison Anglaise. I think that, if you like my paper, you should read the book. Thanks for reading my paper. See you in a few weeks.

Michael Dube

vendredi 11 mai 2007

Maxime's first novel

Hello Guys,
I want to present my wonderful novel. The title is Shark Tooth Tale. The author of this novel is Abby Klein. The story is a little boy who likes sharks. His name is Freddy (principal character). He goes with his mother and his sister to the mall and they go in a shop. He saw a Megalodon tooth fossilized. He was surprised! But it costs fifty dollars and he didn’t have fifty dollars. He asked his mother to buy it and she said nooo! When he comes back home, he asked his father to buy the Megalodon tooth. What do you think he said ? No !!
Next morning, he took the bus and he talked with is genius friend. His name is Robbie. Freddy said that he saw a Megalodon tooth. His friend was surprised! A Megalodon tooth is a very old tooth , it’s like a lot of millions of years old. Robbie gave some tricks to Freddy to help him to get more money to buy the famous tooth.

I didn’t finish the book yet, but I explained all that I read already. This is a cool book to read. I think it is the best novel that I ever saw. I didn’t find something bad about it.

See you , Maximum.

Francis first novel

Hello, it’s Francis!

How are you? Me, it’s going well because I have finish to read my first novel! The title of my novel is “ Katie Kazoo Switcheroo, No Biz Like Show Biz”. I had to read and to do a summary of this book. I read the book and I did the summary but J.E.(Jacques-Eric, our teacher) didn’t correct it already.

The author of this book is Nancy Krulik. I can write you a little bit of the book (a little summary). It’s a girl who is doing the scenery for a play. The day just before the play a magic wind came and switch Katie (the decorator) and Miriam’s (the Snow Fairy) personality. It means Miriam does the scenery and Katie does the Snow Fairy. I won’t continue this summary because you will know all the story. What was bad in this book was the magic wind because the author doesn’t explain it. The magic wind was the plot of the novel. I didn’t know if the magic wind will come again and I won’t tell you !!!

I think that this book is more a girl book because on 10 characters only 3 or 4 were boys. My favorite character was Miriam because she is a little bit shy and she sings really good. The words in the book were not really hard to understand because I already know all the words that were written. The book contains a total of 76 pages and about 10 pages are beautiful images. I like to read books with images because it helps me to understand the story.

This book is in a serie of 24 books because it’s the twenty-fourth book in the serie. Maybe the serie is bigger but in mine there are only 24 novels.

I will quit because it will ring in few minutes!!!


William's Portrait

Hi dear pen pals!

This time I’m going to talk to you about my pet, my family and my house.

I love my pet, she’s a dog named Zouki. I don’t have sister, she’s like mine, she’s six years old, her coat is white, black and beige. When nobody is at home, she’s waiting for us on the front yard. When we get out of our car, she jumps on us.

Now, my family. In my family, we are four and there’s ZOUKI! My father, Emilio, works as a manager for four Desjardins banks. My mother, Annie, is working in BML, she’s working in an office. BML is a business that is repairing and constructing roads. Last time I saw a BML truck, the guy in it was constructing a bridge. My brother, Marc-Olivier is in secondary one and I like to play hockey with him.

Finally, my house. It’s almost 100 years old! I love my house because it’s big, we have a back yard large enough to ride an A.T.V, there’s an old farm behind my house. In my house, I have the smallest bedroom, but it is the most beautiful one. In my house, there’s a basement. It’s a two floors house. We heat our house with a wood stove and my mother decorate it with stained-glass window that she is making.

William Roy

Thomas' Portrait

Dear pen pals!

My name is Thomas I’m 11 years old and I’m in grade 5. Now I will talk about my brothers.
Mathieu is 8 years old but almost 9 and Philippe is 4 years old. Mathieu and Philippe are funny because they say jokes and it’s fun to play with them. I like to play hockey with my two brothers. Philippe has a good slapshot. Philippe wants to go all the time at the farm but my father doesn’t want Philippe to come because he is irritating. Mathieu follows me almost all the time. Mathieu did two big concussions. When he was 7 years and 6 years old. One is because he did a jump with is bicycle and he fell and the other one is when he fell down from a bunk bed.
The name of my mother is Marie-Josée and she works at the bank.
I really like to milk the cows with my father and his name is Francis. When he was young he worked at the farm with his father. When I milk the cows I speak with my father and I go beside cows to pet them. Cows are one of my favourite animals.
We renovate my house in 2000 or 2001 it’s a big house. My house is very old it is around 140 years old. It’s the second oldest house in the village. My house has 3 floors.


Francis's Portrait

Hello, it’s again Francis!!!

Would you to know a little bit about my family, my house and my pets? In my family I have a sister her name is Cynthia, a brother, Martin, he is not on the picture because he’s not living in the house. My mom is Louise, and finally my father-in-law, Gilbert. Cynthia is really excited and she is 10 years old, Martin is 20 years old and he is really calm, my mom is calm too but she is 40 years old and finally Gilbert is really grumpy with 57 years old.

At my home I have 2 mandarins, 2 cats and 2 dogs. I will only speak about my two dogs. The tallest is Toby and the other is «Fi-Fille». Toby is «Fi-Fille»’s baby and he is really taller than his mother. They are really calm (inside) because outdoor they run a lot. Fi-Fille is old because she is 7 human years and 49 in dog years. Toby is 3 human years and 15 in dog years. We gave a nickname to Fi-Fille and Toby. Fi Fille is «La Grosse» and Toby is «Le Courailleur». We gave this nickname to Toby because when he is outside for only 10 minutes he’s leaving his kennel.

In the house we have 3 floors. The 1st one is the basement. On the 2nd we have the kitchen, a living room, the bath room and some closets. And finally on the 3rd we have my bedroom and some other rooms.

So San Francis salutes you!!!

Marc-André's Portrait

Hello !!
I am your friend Marc-André and I want to present you my family. In my family there is my little sister Allyson, my little brother Zakary, my father Eric, my mother Melanie and me Marc-André. My little sister is 9 years old. She owns a rabbit named Clementine. My little brother is 5 years old. My mother is 31 years old. She will be a teacher in one year. But now she is sub-teaching. Sometimes she teaches in my school. One month ago, she received a contract to teach art in my classroom for the rest of the year. Now my mother has a baby in her belly. She is pregnant. I hope it will be a boy. My father is 33 years old and he owns a company with my grandfather. He is a truck driver, a mechanic man and he has the ability to repair everything.

Now I want to present you my wonderful cat named Mousseline. She is a girl and she is six or seven years old. My mother bought her from an old woman who didn’t like Mousseline. Until now she had 3 or 4 breeds. We couldn’t adopt one because we had 2 cats and 1 dog. But one time we adopted one. We named him P’tit Poux and after 1 or 2 months, a car past on him.

Now my dear house. My house is between 100 and 120 years old. It is white and red. But now we are renovating it. It is lifted 7 feet in the sky. Why ? Because we lift it at a height of 3 feet and after my father destroyed the wall of the basement. In 10 days, the house will be down again. But before my father has to rebuild the basement with concrete.

See you
