vendredi 11 mai 2007

Thomas' Portrait

Dear pen pals!

My name is Thomas I’m 11 years old and I’m in grade 5. Now I will talk about my brothers.
Mathieu is 8 years old but almost 9 and Philippe is 4 years old. Mathieu and Philippe are funny because they say jokes and it’s fun to play with them. I like to play hockey with my two brothers. Philippe has a good slapshot. Philippe wants to go all the time at the farm but my father doesn’t want Philippe to come because he is irritating. Mathieu follows me almost all the time. Mathieu did two big concussions. When he was 7 years and 6 years old. One is because he did a jump with is bicycle and he fell and the other one is when he fell down from a bunk bed.
The name of my mother is Marie-Josée and she works at the bank.
I really like to milk the cows with my father and his name is Francis. When he was young he worked at the farm with his father. When I milk the cows I speak with my father and I go beside cows to pet them. Cows are one of my favourite animals.
We renovate my house in 2000 or 2001 it’s a big house. My house is very old it is around 140 years old. It’s the second oldest house in the village. My house has 3 floors.


3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Hallo! We wish you a super voyage and profit to improve your English and to visit the girls. Oups.. the most beautiful attractions of Halifax...

Your godmother and your godfather.

With soon...

Anonyme a dit…

salut Thomas!

Hey, I've got this adress a little bite late. I was in Ohio visiting Dominique and Eric. They have a beautiful baby boy named Laurent. So, I guess you are having fun? What a great experience. You are lucky, hope you realise it! Next time, you come to Montreal to visit me, hi hi!
Take care, I'll write again. By the way, nice description of your family!
Chantal la frisée xx

Anonyme a dit…

Hi "l' grand April" you'll make a man before your father! Ha ha! I'd like your familiy description. Have a nice trip. You're too young for it but if you have the chance to listen song singers in somme bar in Halifax, you'll discover something lide scotish or irish culture. They sing very differently of the quebecers singers and this is nice. Do you know if sydney Crosby is from Halifax? or Nova Scotia? Have yoy listen something about that?
We talk about it at your return. Bye,